Posts Tagged ‘book’
nerd nite 21: of books, visuals and beverages
Greetings and whatnots!
Well, it looks like we’re officially adult. This means that we can now drink legally (everywhere, as opposed to only the sensible places), get in Proper Adult Trouble (yikes), and begin thinking about, um, grownup things. Whatever those are.
Nerd nite 21 will be taking place at the usual time (6pm, talks at 6:30pm), and the usual place (Hotel Bristol), on MONDAY, MARCH 24TH. As always, it’s a free event, so bring everyone you know!* Warning, though – seating can sometimes fill up fast, so rocking up at 6:25 is probably not the best of strategies if you want to sit somewhere nice and comfy 🙂
And now, on with the lineup. Speaking on the night (not necessarily in this order):
The Glorious Smell Of A New Book
Mike Riversdale, aka Miramar Mike – @MiramarMike /Â
There are book smellers and those yet to admit it to themselves. With the inevitable, unceasing and inorganic move to electronic books are we going to lose a deeper connection with the words we read and the pictures we marvel at? Mike will, through that aid of smelly books, fancy diagrams and spoken words, remind you of this declining world before painting a picture of the glass and metal empire we may end up serving – hands up who smells their iPad.
Mike, vell, he’s just zis guy, you know.
On Delight
Chris McDowall, @fogonwater
Enthusiastic web folk often talk about creating stuff that elicits “magic and delight“. Of late I’ve been thinking about that last word a lot, trying to unpick the nature of delightful experiences. In this talk I will share a curious selection of books, photographs, data visualisations and assorted whatnot, outlining how and why these things delight us. There will be maps. Lots of maps.
Chris helps preserve and promote cultural heritage as Manager of DigitalNZ Systems at the National Library of New Zealand. In an earlier life he worked as a scientist and cartographer at Landcare Research. He does other stuff too.
Appreciating Beer and Wine – The Beer Geeks vs The Terroiriste
Jules van Cruysen, @xy_eats
Craft Beer and Wine do essentially the same thing. Yet where they come from, how they are made, sold and enjoyed and most importantly the philosophies behind them are very different. The craft beer and wine industries and communities are often dismissive and derisive of the other, portraying the other as either elitist, less relevant or less serious. Playing an active role in both communities, Jules will discuss what makes beer and wine appreciation different and most importantly how beer and wine lovers can work together to defeat the evil forces of the RTD industry.
Jules is a sales representative for Macvine International, selling wine and Spiegleau glassware in Wellington and the lower North Island. He is also a freelance wine and drinks writer and writes regularly in Homestyle magazine and several online publications.
[Note: Sea Rotmann, our original speaker for this slot, will instead be speaking at nerd nite 22]
* It’s also two for one on mains, so bring a friend (or archenemy, we’re not fussy).